Downtown Investments
How it Works
Tell Us About the Property
Whether you go through the form, or you directly text/call in... the first step is to reach out.
Once we know what you're looking for, we can move into the next stage.
Confirm Condition
At this point we have the information needed, now it's just a matter of confirming condition.
We can meet you at the property, or we can use photos you have on hand.
Discuss Offer
Once we have photos and sufficient information, our underwriting team will draft an offer specific to your situation.
Often times we're able to offer more than one solution, but we need a full picture prior.
Brenda Stewart, OH
“Downtown Investments saved me from foreclosure. I was 4 months behind on my payments and they convinced the bank to halt the auction!"
Amir Paydar, FL
"I'm constantly referred to from DTI as one of their agents, and wow... talk about prepared. These guys play no games, and are strictly about business. It's always a pleasure working together"
Lisa McCoyer, NY
"I'm an investor myself, but this group ended up selling my rental before I could! They made sure to take care of me, it was a very seamless & stress-free process"
Who is Downtown Investments?
Meet the Team
Downtown Investments is a real estate investment team created for the sole purpose of buying houses in and around our local markets.
Currently our team consists of 4 stellar individuals all equipped with their own skill sets and experiences. This allows us to efficiently and consistently perform on our promises.
Combined, we have over 20 years of investing experience, with each of us being stationed in different regions of the US and Canada.
We have licensed agents, lenders, contractors, project managers, etc... all in-house. Our vast understanding of the different markets within the real estate industry are what give us (and our clients) a good reputation.
We take pride in putting our client's hard earned equity right back into their pockets.